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Transurfing in 78 giorni pdf 22: The Book that Will Change Your Life Forever

It is a circle of exclusive people that managed to becomesuccessful in business, science, art, sport. And nobody issurprised, because we take it for granted. I suggest that you askyourself: Why him, why not me? What do I need to enter this circle?I am not the Wizard of Oz, so I wont engage in any rituals, I willjust give you the answer. Youve got you you have You are everythingyou need. The only thing you have to do is to use it. You arecapable of everything, it is just that you nobody spoke to youabout it. The principles of transurfing will awake your sleepingabilities and open the doors that seemed forever closed. The booktells you about the basic principles of transurfing and theiremployment. And heres something else: In Transurfing everything isturned upside down, from the point of view of common sense. Yet,the same can be said about common sense from the point of view ofTransurfing. you want you want more aver verage results, you If youdont want to live like everybody else, if you want to accomplishmore than average results, if you anderer your you are to live your life to the full, then you are a Wanderer. Atransurfing wanderer is not chosen by the Destiny, because it isthe Wanderer who chooses the Destiny. You will gain whatever youwant to shatter the monolith of you want sense. common senseEspecially, considering that common sense is not that sensible,says Vadim Zeland.

transurfing in 78 giorni pdf 22

Such a unique condition is the reason why it would beshortsighted, to say the least, to stay within the framework of acommon world vision, employing only the physical side of reality.Under some circumstances, the energy of human thoughts canmaterialize a sector of the space of variations. In a state which,in terms of transurfing, can be named as a union of soul and mind,an imperceptible magic force the outer intention. , Everything thatis usually attributed to magic is directly related to the outerintention. Employing this force, magicians built the EgyptianPyramids and produced similar wonders. The term outer is usedbecause it lives beyond us, so mind has no power over it. However,in a certain state one can get access to it. If this powerful forcecan be made to work at your will, you can do incredible things.Modern people have lost the abilities which their predecessors fromancient civilizations such as Atlantis had. Fragments of ancientWisdom have come to our time in the form of some unconnectedesoteric teachings and practices. But, it is quite difficult to usethis knowledge in everyday life. Despite this difficulty the secretof using the outer intention is very simple. The key to it ishidden in a phenomenon known as conscious dreaming. In a commondream things happen in spite of the will of the mind. As long asthe dreamer is not aware of being asleep, he/she is not able tocontrol what is going on. One is totally engrossed in theunconscious dream it happens to him/her. But if the dreamerrealizes it, some amazing abilities will be revealed. Consciousdreaming is quite easy-to-do. Events can be ruled by the power ofyour intention, so unbelievable things can be done flying, forexample. The ability to rule your dreams appears after a person isaware of being asleep and of his/her current relation to the realworld. At this stage, reality is a point of support which he/shecan return to after awakening. Reality in its turn is similar tounconscious dreaming - in waking; one is in the hands ofcircumstances - life happens. People dont remember their past livesand have no point of support which could help make a step up to thenext level of consciousness. Still, things are not that hopeless.Transurfing will give you certain methods to make the outerintention work indirectly. One can shape reality. To do that youhave only to stick to a number of rules. A common human mind failsto influence the reflection in the mirror, because it is necessaryto change the image itself. The image is the direction and the wayof thinking that the person has. Your wish is not enough to turnwhat you desire into what is real. The parameters of the image onthe one side of the mirror must coincide with a particular sectorof the space of variations on the other side. But thats not all.You have to know how to deal with the mirror, as it is rathercomplicated and eerie. Imagine this unusual situation: You are infront of the mirror and you cant see anything. Only a while lateran image shows through, like a photo. Then you smile - but in themirror there is the same serious expression as before. This isexactly how the mirror of variations works. Only, the time ofshowing through is far greater, so that changes are not noticeable.The material realization is inert, but provided you do particularthings the reflection will still be formed, which means that adream can become a reality. Transurfing gives you guidance on howto deal with the mirror of the world.

Transurfing Reality Transurfing IV-V: Stage IV-V: Apples fall tothe Sky IV-V: This is the next book about Transurfing the theorywhich has caused hot discussions among readers. In daily lifethings happen despite your wishes. The solution is simpler than youmight think. You are captured by mirror illusion. In a sense theworld looks like an endless dual mirror, on one side there is thematerial universe, while on the other one there is a metaphysicalspace of variations which stores scripts of all possible events. Aperson mesmerized by the mirror thinks that the reflection is truereality. This book will help you to shake off this illusion andwake up from mirror dreaming. Those who started using theprinciples of transurfing have been amazed by unexplainable thingsthat happened to them. For example, people around started to treatthem better. The doors that seemed forever closed are now open. Youcan observe exciting things: the change of tints of scenery andcircles on reality, similar to circles on the water. The layer ofyour world brings back the lost freshness: your ice-cream becomesas sweet as when you were little, your hopes are as thrilling aswhen you were young. But the most important thing is the feeling ofinner freedom the privilege to live in accordance with your creed.ISBN 5-9573-0546-4 paperback 288 pages 200x127 mm Rights available:World, except Latvian, Bulgarian

Spogliata da attributi fiabeschi e introdotta nella vita di tutti i giorni, la magia cessa di appartenere alla sfera del mistico e del misterioso. Il magico, trovando posto qui, nel quotidiano, perde la sua affascinante misteriosità. E tutta la meraviglia di questa trasformazione sta nel fatto che la realtà quotidiana, a sua volta, cessa di sembrare solita e finisce per trasformarsi in una realtà nuova, non conosciuta, che si può gestire a proprio piacimento.


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