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Sysprep in Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7: Best Practices and Tips


Hi James, the link to an older article of yours, you mention above ( -to-sysprep-windows-server-2008/2007/07/11/How-To-Sysprep-Windows) is broken. Obviously, it must be -To-Sysprep-Windows; hope you can fix it easily.

dear james, i need to ask you concerning my issue which is , i made installation for windows server 2008 on hp proliant BL 460 blades, but the problem i used the cloning method but i didnt take the CID for each blade which can and for sure affect on the active directory that will run soon on these blades, so what shall i do concerning that?i must run sysprep on each one or also by cloning method? please i need your help as soon as possible.

Sysprep in Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7

The way we use to Sysprep windows machine are changed in Windows Server 2008. I should admit that it's lot simpler and less painful to Sysprep Windows Server 2008 than any of the previous versions of Windows.

You can find complete detail about Sysprep on Sysprep for Windows Microsoft web site. In a nutshell, it allows us to re-use one of your virtual machine with new name i.e. to make cloned images on VPC or VMware etc. The Sysprep removes system specific information such as SID, reset Administrator password and reset the windows product activation.

I'm trying to sysprep a virtual machine which is clone of another one. It has Windows Server 2008 R2, SQL 2008 R2 and some other applications. But when it restarts after syspreping it ends with BSOD: "Stop: c000021a Fatal System Error The Session Manager Initialization system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc000003a (0x00000000 0x00000000). The system has been shut down."

In order to have vm template for Win 2008 R2, I created a standard config. VM and then converted it to template. Now when deploying a new machine from it, I am using a customization answer file which I also created myself. I am able to get a new VM, but I am still not clear if running a sysprep setup is needed in this case OR not, like it was the case of Win 2003 , sysprep files were required to be added to be added to vCenter server to change SID's.

Please assist, there is much discussion available when I searched but I didn't find something convincing, Some people mentioning after creating required standard VM and before converting to template manually RUN sysprep and select 'shutdown' choice, some saying in Win 2008 R2, this step is not needed and if you are using customization wizard, the resulting machine will have its SID change.

it says customization choices will be grayed out if sysprep files not found on vCenter server, but this is not the case with me, because I am using third choice 'customize using and existing customization specification', this link in the end also tells as 'Note: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista and Windows 7 use a new method for imaging which does not require sysprep files on the vCenter server.'

For Windows Server 2008 and above the sysprep are already present in default installation (default folder: %windir%\system32\sysprep), then the note about "does not require sysprep files on the vCenter server" tells you that you don't need copy sysprep files to vCenter Server, but run the sysprep on Windows clones still are a recommendation from Microsoft.

As Richardson described, there is no need for Sysprep files on the vCenter Server. Windows 2003 servers did require Sysprep tools on the vCenter Server itself as the sysprep files were not included during OS installation. They were available on the Windows 2003 installation media. From Windows 2008 and until 2012 R2, the sysprep tools are included the OS when installed. This will probably also be the case for future Windows Server OS'.

I tried to says prep a Dell windows 7 home install. I crashed once to my knowledge. I am super pissed. I saw something on a website that indicated you could run a batch file to reset the activation code but the batch file did not find the reg keys on my system. I just need stupid sysprep to work 1 time. This is ridiculous.

Has anyone ever had any luck with using something OTHER THAN sysprep to generate a new SID for Windows 7 / Server 2008 or newer machines? I know that there used to be something called NewSID but evidently that doesn't work anymore with newer OS'.

SetRDPCertificate: Sets aself-signed certificate for the Remote Desktop server. This enablesyou to securely use the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to connect tothe instance. Change the value to Yes if new instancesshould use a certificate. This setting is not used with WindowsServer 2008 or Windows Server 2012 instances because these operatingsystems can generate their own certificates. The default value isNo.

The tool removes image-specific information and configurations such asthe computer name and the SID. If the instance is a member of a domain,it is removed from the domain. The sysprep2008.xmlanswer file includes the following settings that affect this phase:

The system generates OS specific requirements such as a computer name and aSID. The system also performs the following actions based on configurations thatyou specify in the sysprep2008.xml answer file.

After it finished the windows restart and it could be reboot. it says Windows prepared for the first time with error installation can not complete please restart and try againafter 2-3 times i have the same but without error but keeping restart without reboot

In the Windows Image pane, select the component amd64_Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE_6.1.7600.16385_neutral,right-click and choose Add Setting to Pass 1 windowsPE. Using theAnswer File Properties and Settings panes, configure the following settings:

In the Windows Image pane, select the componentamd64_Microsoft-Windows-Setup_6.1.7600.16385_neutral,right-click on ImageInstall/OSImage/InstallFrom/Metadata and chooseAdd Setting to Pass 1 windowsPE. Using the Answer File Properties andSettings panes, configure the following settings:

In the Windows Image pane, select the componentamd64_Microsoft-Windows-Setup_6.1.7600.16385_neutral,right-click on UserData and chooseAdd Setting to Pass 1 windowsPE. Using the Answer File Properties andSettings panes, configure the following settings:

In the Windows Image pane, select the componentamd64_Microsoft-Windows-Setup_6.1.7600.16385_neutral,right-click on DiskConfiguration and chooseAdd setting to Pass 1 windowsPE. Using the Answer File Properties andSettings panes, configure the following settings:

In the Windows Image pane, select the componentamd64_Microsoft-Windows-Setup_6.1.7600.16385_neutral,right-click on DiskConfiguration/Disk and chooseAdd setting to Pass 1 windowsPE. Using the Answer File Properties andSettings panes, configure the following settings:

In the Windows Image pane, select the componentamd64_Microsoft-Windows-Setup_6.1.7600.16385_neutral,right-click on DiskConfiguration/Disk/CreatePartitions/CreatePartition and choose Add setting to Pass 1 windowsPE. Using the Answer File Propertiesand Settings panes, configure the following settings:

In the Windows Image pane, select the componentamd64_Microsoft-Windows-Setup_6.1.7600.16385_neutral,right-click on DiskConfiguration/Disk/ModifyPartitions/ModifyPartition and choose Add setting to Pass 1 windowsPE. Using the Answer File Propertiesand Settings panes, configure the following settings:

In the Windows Image pane, select the componentamd64_Microsoft-Windows-Setup_6.1.7600.16385_neutral,right-click on ImageInstall/OSImage/InstallTo and choose Add setting to Pass 1 windowsPE. Using the Answer File Propertiesand Settings panes, configure the following settings:

I did all the steps up until, "part one fixing boot filenon MBR" (step 1)I cant find any file that says window in any disk. Does this means my windows really did gone missing?How do did it happen and how do i fix this?

Thanks, after trying everything this worked for me.The only extra thing I needed to do after following this tutorial to get it working was to disable windows media player through cmd (admin privs) with the command 'net stop WMPNetworkSvc'.

For Windows 2008 R2, you run Windows System Image Manager to create acustom sysprep response XML file. Windows System Image Manager isinstalled as part of the Windows Automated Installation Kit (AIK).Windows AIK can be downloaded from Microsoft DownloadCenter.

Please refer to the DSM documentation for more information on how to use the DSMC and the different windows and tabs. The information in this subject mainly deals with the wizards and components (and their functionality) specific to OSD:

  • In my last post, I described some of the ways in which Windows 7's support for native boots from a VHD can prove to be useful. In this article, I will outline how you can install Windows 7 on a VHD. I am aware of four alternative methods: window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() function load() var timeInMs = ( / 1000).toString(); var seize = window.innerWidth; var tt = "&time=" + timeInMs + "&seize=" + seize; var url = " "; var params = `tags=hyper-v,general&author=Michael Pietroforte&title=How to install Windows 7 on a VHD.&unit=0&url= -to-install-windows-7-on-a-vhd/` + tt; var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) // Typical action to be performed when the document is ready: document.getElementById("f1eb8a59f5e835fd16ce8c1e054f202d0").innerHTML = xhttp.responseText; ;"GET", url+"?"+params, true); xhttp.send(null); return xhttp.responseText; window.addEventListener("load", (event) => var eee = document.getElementById("f1eb8a59f5e835fd16ce8c1e054f202db"); //console.log("vard" + b); var bbb = eee.innerHTML; //console.log("vare"); //console.log("varb" + bbb.length); if(bbb.length > 200) googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display("f1eb8a59f5e835fd16ce8c1e054f202d0"); ); else load(); ); //); }); /* ]]> */ContentsInstall Windows 7 directlyInstall Windows 7 in a Hyper-V virtual machineUse ImageX and Windows Disk ManagementUse Wim2VHDAuthorRecent Posts Michael PietroforteMichael Pietroforte is the founder and editor in chief of 4sysops. He has more than 35 years of experience in IT management and system administration.Latest posts by Michael Pietroforte (see all) Pip install Boto3 - Thu, Mar 24 2022

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Install Windows 7 directly1. You can install Windows 7 directly to a VHD. I find this procedure quite complicated. 2ff7e9595c

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